Girlz Zone

dedicated to the pains of being a teenage girl

you like the colour theme? this page is dedicated to all the pains of being a teenage girl, of course anyone of any gender can be here, i just wanted to make a shrine to my experiences.

a playlist

songs that i feel sum up my life to listen to while you browse.

mini essays

a small collection of original works that deal with feminism, culture, friendships, and other things relevant to the average teen girl.

sleepover ideas

are you actually a teenage girl if you don't have constant sleepovers with your besties? the best sleepovers always start off pretty normal, then as you get more tired you start going crazy, then you finish off the night with like, the deepest talk of all time. what gets discussed past twelve a.m. will never see the light of day.

here is a list of some of the best things to do at a sleepover. it also has links to some juicy truth or dare questions and some classic who's most likely to? questions that you can use in your sleepover games.

girl blogging

SHHHHHHH click on my diary to open it! remember, this is top secret, dont show anyone else!!!